6 Ways to Say No to a Home Decor Disaster

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There’s a certain kind of happiness to taking on a home decor project and seeing it to the end, isn’t it?

And especially when there’s a challenge with working on a budget. It makes things exciting!

Well, if you want to create a great looking and elegant home without cutting too many corners, then you must avoid all of the following mistakes.


  1. Too Much Theme

There no question that having a theme for your room decor will create a good look for your bedroom, but here’s the deal. Themes aren’t exactly the best idea to put to use when talking about your home. Home decor is all about picking the right style, something that resonates with you. But if you end up having way too many of your favorite things (overstuffed with mirrors, collectibles, etc.) you might take away from its true beauty.

Seems like too much for every day, doesn't it?


6 Ways to Say No to a Home Decor Disaster

Image Credit: Pinterest 

Want to know your design style? Take a short Quiz!


  1. Crammed Foyer

Ideally, your foyer should be a space that brings you peace, and truly gives you the feeling of being home. Your foyer should have a simple decor to it. When you bring in too many pieces of furniture, accents, wall art, or even vases, it might start feeling heavy. This would take away from the peace and make it look extremely unorganized.


6 Ways to Say No to a Home Decor Disaster

Image Credit: Pinterest

You might want to take a look at some Foyer Decor Ideas.


  1. Typical Art

We’re not questioning anybody’s art choice but think about it. Having artworks that are mass produced might not be the best choice when creating an elegant and luxurious home decor. You don’t necessarily have to opt for expensive artworks. Find local artists who can create original and beautiful paintings that suit your style.


6 Ways to Say No to a Home Decor Disaster 

Image Credit: Pinterest

Once you’ve gathered some cool artwork, all you’re left to do is arrange it in a beautiful way on an otherwise blank wall.

Not sure what to do? Refer to The Art of Hanging Wall Art.


  1. Unappealing Lights

Ideally, a nice and cozy space should have soft lights. Imagine you were to walk into a room that had blinding lights. It would seem tacky and extremely overwhelming, right? So, depending on your space, you want to change your light settings. Dim lights should not be your first choice for living or dining spaces, but can be great for bedrooms. Just like that, a linear hallway should have lights running throughout for a proper circulation that doesn’t feel heavy.



Image Credit: Pinterest

The Artment’s Rustic Pamella Table Lamp is great for your living room. It’s soft light will create a beautiful aesthetic.


6 Ways to Say No to a Home Decor Disaster


  1. No More Empty Walls

The entire idea of minimalism to is make your home look chic, not cheap. You not necessarily have to have a bunch of photo frames or artwork hung on the wall. You could create a living wall with a couple of shelves and plants, or hang some tassels with wall hanging accents, etc. There are a lot of ways to create a gorgeous wall decor without it looking like you’ve over done it, or underdone it.

Although the next image is that of a divider wall, it’s an idea to be explored, don’t you think?


6 Ways to Say No to a Home Decor Disaster 

Image Credit: Pinterest

If you do want to opt for the original and easy way to create an eye catching wall decor, check out how to arrange artwork in a creative and artistic way for it to not look shabby!


  1. Unclutter Your Space

You know how when there are 15 tabs open on your computer and it might start to act up? That’s a bit similar to how our brain works too. When you walk into a cluttered space, everything out and about, unorganized, your brain stops working. It makes you feel demotivated. But we don’t want that, do we? So, what you want to do is plan your home decor so that there’s a designated place for every item. Your sofas and arm chairs should be placed a certain way, and your shelves should have a certain amount of space between each item, etc.

Here’s what we mean when we talk about an uncluttered space.


6 Ways to Say No to a Home Decor Disaster

Image Credit: Pinterest 

Think you can do this?

Trust us, it’s easier than it sounds. All you need to do is plan beforehand and create a mood board for all your ideas.

Ready for you home decor project?

1 comment

  • Mehul A.

    As an artist, I know how a space different pieces of art can be hung to make spaces appealing. Also, I must say, your collection of products is classy!

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